Technical Information and Updates
For the advanced user.
- Valley Panther ZD-X Quick-Start Guide
- Valley Panther ZD-X Service Manual
- Valley Great 8 Service Manual
- Replacing the old aluminum moldings on your Valley table with the new T-molding
- Replacing the Ball Drop Motor Cables on Electronic Tables
- Replacing the Ball Drop Motor on Electronic Tables
- Easy instructions to use current 5-bolt cushion rails on your 1970-1996 3-bolt table
- Assembly and setup of Home/Non-coin Valley Pool tables
- Recover your table
- VERY BASIC DIRECTIONS for replacing your laminate
- Great 8 to ZD-X Conversion Kit instructions - includes charger installation directions.
- Changing inserts in ESD Coin Chutes
- Valley Bumper Pool - Bumper measurements & dimensions
- Connelly Brown Pockets - compared